Member Only Fishing Programs and Resources
John Overholtzer Youth Tournament
This tournament is open to all current junior members starting the day before the annual meeting at 6AM and ends noon on the day of the annual meeting.
You must have 'toes in the sand', in other words you must catch your fish from the shore, not from a kayak, boat or pier.
All legal fish are eligible and must be turned in by noon on the day of the annual meeting.
If you are too far to get to the meeting by noon simple email or text a picture of your catch or release fish.
I need your name, NCBBA #, location of catch, species, size and a contact phone number.
First and second place winners will receive nice surf rod and reel combinations to further enhance your surf fishing.
Richard Collins 252-564-0765 [email protected]
Russ Privett Spring Tournament
This tournament is open to all adult members starting the day before the annual meeting at 6AM and ends noon on the day of the annual meeting.
You must have 'toes in the sand', in other words you must catch your fish from the shore, not from a kayak, boat or pier.
All legal fish are eligible and must be turned in by noon on the day of the annual meeting.
If you are too far to get to the meeting by noon simple email or text a picture of your catch or release fish.
I need your name, NCBBA #, location of catch, species, size and a contact phone number.
1st place: $100 Cash, 2nd Place: $75 cash, 3rd place $50 cash.
Richard Collins 252-564-0765 [email protected]
Fishing Teams Application
NCBBA has teams in three invitational tournaments. Members who are interested in joining a team should contact Richard Collins at 252-564-0765 to get the particulars on which tournaments have openings as well as other logistics. The cost is $100. Once you have confirmed a spot come back to this page to register and pay your fee.
Ocracoke Invitational Fishing Tournament (May 1-3, 2024)
Nags Head Surf Fishing Tournament (October 9-11, 2024)
Cape Hatteras Anglers Club Tournament (November 6-9, 2024)
NCBBA Official Weigh Stations
Angler of the Year
There are two annual awards: One for an adult member, and one for a junior member. 
- You must be a member in good standing, which mean your dues must be current. All Citations will be checked against our current member list before being issued.
- Complete citations forms may be mailed to NCBBA Citations, PO Box 189, Nags Head, NC 27959 or emailed to [email protected]
- All awards and citations go to members only. Spouses or children of members do not qualify unless they are members. This is a family organization, so let's sign the whole family up! Check out the SHOP page of this website to become and Adult or Junior Member or Pay Dues!
- The member with the most NCBBA Citations in Multiple Species will be counted as the winner.
- Award will include a FREE entry into the NCBBA Red Drum Tournament
Example: A member with one citation fish in 10 categories would outscore a person with 20 citation fish in two categories. This way one day of good fishing won't count the rest of the membership out. So, get those dues current, sign up the rest of the family and start fishing!
The Angler of the Year Award will run from April 1 to March 31 allowing sufficient time for the entries can be tallied and the winners to be notified. The Angler of the Year award will be presented to our Adult and Junior Anglers of the Year at the Annual Meeting which is held Memorial Day weekend each year.
Support the NCBBA Weigh Stations listed in our newsletter and also in the links section of this website.
Look for the NCBBA Weigh Station sign on the front of our Official Weigh Station Tackle Shops. Citation forms are on hand at our Weigh Stations.
Should you or the local tackle shop not have the NCBBA citation form at the time of the catch, then have them give you a weigh-in receipt and send a copy of it, along with a completed form when you are able.
Contact Richard Collins at [email protected] or 252-564-0765 if you have questions regarding the Citation Program or Angler of the Year Award.
Want to participate? Download the citation form here.